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At my foundation I am an engineer that focuses on 3 aspects of life:




I am always striving to learn more about any process that piques my interest whether or not it's in my field as it only helps broaden ideas & creativity and encourages empathy among us all.




The above word typically means someone who does not own a filing cabinet or does not keep meticulous handwritten notes isn't organized - but this is not the case to me. I see organization as how one tackles problems and if they're able to have a system of their own as in the end - everyone is human and is different.




Ethics is a big one for me - helping people has no negative effect & to be malicious is not a sound social nor business decision. This doesn't mean to ruin yourself for the cost of others - but rather to help peers, co-workers, partners, and even strangers (safely of course) in whatever capacity you can - if you can.


These are personal ideologies I carry into my professional and my personal lives as I keep learning, but there is one thing that helps glue these together: humor!

Personal: About


Plex Auto Downloader

May 2019 - January 2020


  • A peer-collaboration full-stack project to try out some tech stacks that were interesting.

    • Project specifications were to automate manual processes to streamline a personal media server with a custom front end web portal and a personal NAS handling the media.

  • Project consists of a Node.js front end designed with Bootstrap with a python based backend that handles the media files on a remote server.

    • More information for the on-going project can be seen on the GitHub page.


Liquid Level Sensor​​

May 2018 - September 2018


  • Worked on a liquid level sensor monitoring project for car wash all-in-one systems.

    • Concept began as a University project but then evolved into a connection with WaterWorks and we had meetings with a local franchise owner for a potential business model​​​
  • ​Project utilized an off-the-shelf arduino board in conjunction with an ultrasonic sensor to accurately measure the levels of the chemicals the car wash system uses. with the explicit intention of cloud access and low cost of production

Personal: Text


Cincinnati Computer Cooperative

February 2016 - October 2017


  • Ran computer towers on test benches to check for operational parts and then disassembled the towers to salvage them for parts.

  • Organized and recycled e-waste from various pieces of hardware and their accessories (ranging from VGA cables to large format printers) that were shipped/delivered by donors.


Clean Up Cincinnati

March 2016 - April 2017

  • Part of an initiative where we went to local neighborhoods in CUF, Clifton, and Over the Rhine and picked up trash around the streets, local playgrounds, and schools.

Personal: Text
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